Purify code using free monads has a great description of how free monads can further isolate IO actions. Free monads allow you to have multiple "run" or "interpret" functions that actually carry out the actions of the monad. This allows you to:
- Change implementations without changing client code
- Manage configuration in the run function rather than in client code
- Run client code in purely functional test harnesses
I've started experimenting with using free monads for these purposes in a web application. It's not in any way ready but the experience has been pretty interesting so far, so I've decided to post about it.
Managing configuration
Yesod and Snap already provide everything needed to make a web application but I wanted to experiment a bit more. I decided to use the Warp webserver directly through the Wai interface, which should expose more gritty configuration issues. I liked Dropwizard's approach: have a Configuration class serialized as YAML and have main read this to configure the app. Eventually I want run time configuration but this is a nice way to start.
So far the only configuration is the location of an sqlite3 database file.
databaseFile: sandboxData/cakeStore.sqlite3
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Configuration.Types where
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
data Configuration = Configuration { databaseFile :: String }
deriving (Show, Generic)
instance ToJSON Configuration
instance FromJSON Configuration
module Configuration.Util
import Data.Yaml
import Configuration.Types
readConfiguration :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe Configuration)
readConfiguration filePath = decodeFile filePath
Database setup
We can now use this to read in our database configuration.
So far I've just got a basic script to initialize the database and add tables. As you can see there are still some embarrassing test values hanging around.
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.Sqlite3
import System.Environment
import qualified Configuration.Util as ConfigurationUtil
import qualified Configuration.Types as ConfigurationTypes
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
let configFile = head args
print $ "Reading config file " ++ configFile
maybeConfiguration <- ConfigurationUtil.readConfiguration configFile
case maybeConfiguration of
Just configuration -> runConfiguration configuration
Nothing -> return ()
runConfiguration configuration = do
conn <- connectSqlite3 $ ConfigurationTypes.databaseFile $ configuration
tables <- getTables conn
print tables
withTransaction conn $ createTest tables
disconnect conn
createTest tables conn = do
if not $ elem "users" tables
then do
run conn "CREATE TABLE users (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256))" []
run conn "INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('DatabaseBob')" []
query <- quickQuery' conn "SELECT * from users where id < 2" []
print query
return ()
else return ()
if not $ elem "cakes" tables
then do
run conn "CREATE TABLE cakes (id INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256))" []
return ()
else return ()
The setup script can directly connect to the database, but the app itself needs something a little more structured. In Java-land data access objects are usually used to manage persistence details.
This is a good place for the first free monad.
Data/DataHandler.hs (summary)
I'd like to have a data layer, a collection of data access actions that can only (1) perform database transactions (2) call other data access actions. I'll probably have to switch the database library from hdbc to one of the *-simple libraries at one point, and I'd like to only have to change these details in the data access actions when I do. This type signature doesn't lock down the code too much but does provide a hint to other developers that only database access should be done in this monad. data DataInstruction a
where CallData :: DataCall a -> DataInstruction a
WithTransaction :: (Connection -> IO a) -> DataInstruction a
A quick declaration with the operational package and we have a monad:
type DataMonad a = Program DataInstruction a
Now to interpret data access actions, data calls are interpreted by just running them and returning the result. Transactional actions are interpreted by connecting to the sqlite3 database, running the transaction. Eventually this should be changed so the connection should be held until the web request doesn't need it anymore, and connection pooling should be added with resource-pool.
runDataMonadWithConfiguration :: DataConfiguration -> DataMonad a -> IO a
runDataMonadWithConfiguration dataConfiguration = eval.view
eval :: ProgramView (DataInstruction) a -> IO a
eval (Return x) = return x
eval (CallData (DataCall {execution=exec}) :>>= k ) =
result <- runDataMonadWithConfiguration dataConfiguration exec
runDataMonadWithConfiguration dataConfiguration $ k result
eval ((WithTransaction trans) :>>= k) =
result <- bracket (connectSqlite3 $ databaseFile $ dataConfiguration)
(\conn -> disconnect conn)
(\conn -> withTransaction conn trans )
runDataMonadWithConfiguration dataConfiguration $ k result
With the run function handling the connection details, data access actions can be defined in other modules. These modules can now be very light, they only have to import Database.HDBC and Data.DataHandler. I've made a strange choice here of wrapping the actions into a DataCall data structure. This is mostly to experiment with logging and mocking, but this data type also makes a nice hook for other free monads to connect to.
getUsersCall :: Data.DataHandler.DataCall [[SqlValue]]
getUsersCall = Data.DataHandler.DataCall {
Data.DataHandler.name = "getUsersCall",
Data.DataHandler.execution = selectUsers,
Data.DataHandler.provideResult = Data.DataHandler.provideBlank
selectUsers :: Data.DataHandler.DataMonad [[SqlValue]]
selectUsers = do
let selectUsersQuery connection = quickQuery' connection "SELECT * from users" []
users <- Data.DataHandler.withTrans selectUsersQuery
return users
Assembling the data layer
Now there's enough code to put together the data layer and run a test. There's some STM code here that isn't really used, I eventually want to use STM for runtime configuration.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Tests.DataTest
import Test.HUnit
import Data.DataHandler
import Data.Users
import qualified Configuration.Util
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Database.HDBC
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "database test"
$ TestCase $ do
Just configuration <- Configuration.Util.readConfiguration "Configuration.yaml"
configurationTVar <- setupDataMonad configuration
dataConfiguration <- atomically $ readTVar configurationTVar
users <- handleWithConfiguration dataConfiguration getUsersCall
assertBool "Successfully queried" (users == [[SqlByteString "1",SqlByteString "DatabaseBob"],[SqlByteString "2",SqlByteString "Steve"]])
Service layer
From here we just continue the plumbing up the stack. Service layer actions can only call other service layer actions or make data layer calls.
data ServiceInstruction a
where CallService :: ServiceCall a -> ServiceInstruction a
CallData :: Data.DataHandler.DataCall a -> ServiceInstruction a
TestLabel "service to database test"
$ TestCase $ do
Just configuration <- Configuration.Util.readConfiguration "Configuration.yaml"
configurationTVar <- Data.DataHandler.setupDataMonad configuration
serviceConfiguration <- Service.ServiceHandler.setupServiceMonad configuration configurationTVar
user <- Service.ServiceHandler.handleWithConfiguration serviceConfiguration Service.Users.getUser
assertBool "Some users" ( (length user) > 0)
Web layer
Finally up to the web layer. The web layer can only make service calls and render bytestrings to the client. The ServiceCall type prevents the web layer from making data calls directly. This layer needs a lot more work, especially parameter parsing, but the nice thing is that these actions should be easily runnable within other web servers/frameworks if needed. Handling the Wai interface is moved to the run function so most of the application code does not need to know about it.Web/WebHandler.hs
data HandlerInstruction a
where RenderView :: BlazeBuilder.Builder -> HandlerInstruction ()
CallService :: ServiceHandler.ServiceCall a -> HandlerInstruction a
All view rendering can then be pulled into separate modules.
listCakes :: Web.WebHandler.HandlerMonad ()
listCakes = do
cakes <- Web.WebHandler.callService Service.Cakes.getCakes
Web.WebHandler.renderView $ Web.View.Cake.render $ cakes
return ()
So far with this experiment I've found:- Free monads can be used to separate application layers in a fairly usable way.
- This adds a decent amount of extra code in the beginning but provides a lot of flexibility and I expect this code would stay fairly constant as the application grows.
- A command line application that hits the service layer was easy to make.
- Moving configuration management to monad run functions is handy. An interesting possibility is to have the run function keep a reference to its configuration in STM. The run function could then be configured by passing it configuration actions that change the configuration.
- STM is a natural place to store read often/write seldom configuration information. The paper Contextual Effects for Version-Consistent Dynamic Software Updating and Safe Concurrent Programming explores this idea.
- Wrapping actions allows some new options for organizing code although it is ugly. Some of these could probably be achieved with newtype, but there's still more experimenting to do. One idea is restricting the web layer to only call AuthenticatedServiceCalls but allowing the service layer to call both AuthenticatedServiceCalls and plain ServiceCalls
Mock testing and free monads:
I'd really like to do some mock testing with free monads. Growing Object Oriented Software Guided by Tests is one of my favourite books and I think a lot of its ideas can be used in building Haskell applications. It will probably take some work to translate the concepts over though. I certainly haven't done TDD with the code so far, but in its current state it doesn't seem too far off.
Mock testing would do a lot to help this situation. A workable way to program in action return values could also lead to a very powerful way to test applications using LogicT or QuickCheck to generate expectations.
I managed to hack in some sort of mocking using Data.Dynamic but it's not pretty. This test case happens to "know" that the only DataCall made will return a list of Cakes, but I really want to match on the signature of the call and then provide the appropriate data back.
TestLabel "mock getCakes"
$ TestCase $ do
let interpretGetCakes = eval . view
eval :: ProgramView (Service.ServiceHandler.ServiceInstruction) a -> IO a
eval (Return x) = return x
eval (Service.ServiceHandler.CallData call :>>= k) = do
let result = Data.DataHandler.provideResult call (toDyn [Model.Cake.Cake 0 "Black Forest"])
interpretGetCakes $ k result
result <- interpretGetCakes $ Service.ServiceHandler.execution Service.Cakes.getCakes
assertBool "Expecting cakes" (result == [Model.Cake.Cake 0 "Black Forest"])
Everything here is still a work in progress but it's worked out a lot better than I would have thought so far. All the code here is available at https://github.com/stevechy/HaskellCakeStore which I hope to keep updating it as the experiments continue.
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